The Seven Sisters

The Seven Sisters is a permanent installation on the grounds of the Carving Studio/Sculpture Center in West Rutland VT. It is composed of a 12 foot straight sighting wall which directs one through the outer precinct wall (30 feet in diameter) to the inner circle of seven 7 foot tall engraved slabs of black granite. This sighting wall points directly to the rising of the Pleiades at Winter Solstice. The theme of the engravings found in the circle are the various stages of a woman's life. The eighth "empty " space in the inner circle is marked with a granite slab set flush into the ground. It is engraved with 2 "X"s. . When one stands on the Xs , one is between birth and death and completes the circle of life. The outer "battered" stone wall also has 7 rough standing stones which correspond to the polished slabs of the main circle.
the symbols explained...



the Moon

the Seven Sisters

the Sun
